
Developer learning path


Testing Basics in Go

Testing Basics



Testing is a crucial part of software development. It helps to ensure that the software functions as intended, is reliable, and meets the needs of the users. In Go programming language, testing is a first-class citizen, which means that the language provides built-in tools and testing frameworks to facilitate testing.

In a course on Go testing basics, you will learn the fundamentals of testing in Go. You will be introduced to the testing package that provides the tools to write unit tests, integration tests, and performance tests. You will also learn about test-driven development (TDD) and how to use it to write better quality code.

The following are some of the topics that will be covered in a Go testing basics course:

  1. Introduction to testing in Go: An overview of why testing is important, types of tests, and testing frameworks in Go.
  1. Writing your first test: Learn how to create a test file, define test functions, and run tests.
  1. Table-driven tests: A technique for testing multiple scenarios using a single test function.
  1. Mocking: Learn how to create mock objects and use them to test functions that depend on other components.
  1. Benchmarking: A technique for measuring the performance of your code.
  1. Continuous integration and testing: Learn how to integrate your tests with a continuous integration (CI) system like Travis CI or CircleCI.

By the end of the course, you should be able to write tests for your Go code, use TDD to create better quality code, and understand how to integrate testing with your development workflow.

March 27, 2023

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