
Developer learning path


Interfaces in Go




In Go, interfaces provide a way to specify behavior that types should have without specifying their implementation. They define a set of methods that a type must have in order to satisfy the interface.

For example, let's say we have an interface Animal that declares a Speak method:

type Animal interface {
    Speak() string

This interface defines that any type that implements the Speak() method can be treated as an "Animal". Now any type that has a Speak() method can be used wherever an Animal is expected.

For instance, we can create a Dog struct that has a Speak() method, and use it as an Animal:

type Dog struct {
    name string

func (d Dog) Speak() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%s says: Bark!", d.name)

func main() {
    var animal Animal
    animal = Dog{"Fido"}
    fmt.Println(animal.Speak()) // output: Fido says: Bark!

In this example, since Dog has a Speak() method, it satisfies the Animal interface and can be used as an Animal.

Interfaces in Go are useful because they decouple the implementation details of a type from its behavior. This allows for loosely coupled and more maintainable code.

March 27, 2023

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