
Developer learning path


Concurrency Patterns in Go

Concurrency Patterns



Concurrency patterns are a set of techniques and approaches in programming that aim to efficiently manage and coordinate the execution of multiple concurrent operations or processes within a program or system. Concurrency patterns are particularly important in Go, a programming language that is specifically designed to handle concurrency and parallelism easily.

Some common concurrency patterns in Go include:

  1. goroutines - Goroutines are lightweight threads that enable concurrent execution within a program. Goroutines allow for the creation of millions of concurrent tasks, without significantly impacting memory or processing speed.
  1. channels - Channels are a mechanism that enable two or more goroutines to communicate with each other and synchronize their actions. They provide a way to pass data safely and efficiently between goroutines.
  1. select statement - The select statement allows a program to wait for multiple operations to complete, and then proceed once one of them finishes. It is particularly useful for coordinating the sending and receiving of data between multiple goroutines.
  1. mutexes - Mutexes are a type of synchronization mechanism that prevent data races in concurrent programs. They allow multiple goroutines to share access to a single resource, without the risk of corrupting it.
  1. fan-out/fan-in - Fan-out/fan-in is a pattern that involves distributing work across multiple goroutines (fan-out), and then aggregating the results (fan-in). It is particularly useful for compute-intensive tasks that can be parallelized.

By using these concurrency patterns (and others), Go programmers can write highly performant, scalable and reliable concurrent applications.

March 27, 2023

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