
Developer learning path


Building a CRUD Application in Go

Building a CRUD Application



Building a CRUD application in Go means building an application that can Create, Read, Update, and Delete data. Such an application typically includes a database to store the data, a server to handle HTTP requests, and endpoints for the application to be consumed by clients.

To build a CRUD application in Go, you will need to have a good understanding of Go programming concepts, as well as web development principles. You will need to know how to work with SQL databases, write RESTful APIs, and handle HTTP requests and responses.

Here are the main steps involved in building a CRUD application in Go:

  1. Setting up a database: Decide on the database to use, and connect to it using Go code. Plan out the schema of the database and create it using SQL statements.
  1. Defining data models: Define data models in Go that will correspond to the tables in the database. These models will be used to interact with the database.
  1. Creating endpoints: Create the endpoints for handling Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations. These endpoints should accept HTTP requests and return responses in JSON format.
  1. Implementing handlers: Implement the handlers for the endpoints. These handlers will parse the incoming requests, use the models to interact with the database, and return appropriate responses.
  1. Testing the application: Test the application to ensure that it is working as expected. Perform tests for each endpoint and each HTTP method to handle different scenarios.

Overall, building a CRUD application in Go requires careful planning and execution to ensure that the application is efficient, scalable, and secure.

March 27, 2023

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