
Developer learning path


Deploying Go Applications

Deploying Go Applications



Deploying a Go application means making it available on a server or a platform for public use. This is an important step in the development process as it allows users to access the application and its features.

In a course on deploying Go applications, you would learn about the different deployment options available for Go applications, such as Docker containers, cloud platforms like AWS and Google Cloud, and traditional servers. You would also learn about best practices for deploying Go applications, including testing and monitoring strategies.

The course would cover concepts such as build pipelines, continuous integration and delivery, load balancing, and scaling. It would also touch on security concerns that must be taken into account when deploying an application, including encryption, authentication, and authorization.

Overall, a course on deploying Go applications would equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to successfully launch and manage a Go application in production, ensuring that it runs smoothly and securely.

March 27, 2023

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