
Developer learning path


Go Testing

Go Testing



Go is a powerful programming language with a strong focus on simplicity, concurrency, and efficiency. One important aspect of writing Go code is testing, which is a critical step to ensure the correctness and reliability of the code.

A course on Go testing would cover a range of topics including:

  1. Overview of testing in Go: This would include an introduction to testing in Go, the tools and frameworks available, and best practices for testing.
  1. Writing unit tests: You will learn how to write unit tests in Go using the built-in testing package. This will cover topics such as test files, test functions, assertions, and test helpers.
  1. Testing with mock objects: This will cover the use of mock objects to isolate parts of the code and simulate complex scenarios during testing.
  1. Benchmarking and profiling: You will learn how to use the built-in benchmarking and profiling tools in Go to measure the performance of the code and identify bottlenecks.
  1. Integration testing: This will cover testing of larger portions of the code, such as integration testing with databases, APIs, and other external systems.
  1. Continuous integration and delivery: You will learn how to integrate testing into a continuous integration and delivery pipeline, and automate the testing process.

Overall, a course on Go testing would provide you with the skills and knowledge required to write high-quality, reliable, and efficient Go code that can adapt to the changing needs of your application.

March 27, 2023

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