
Developer learning path


Introduction to Web Development with Go

Introduction to Web Development with Go



Introduction to Web Development with Go is a course that teaches the fundamental concepts of web development using Go programming language. Go is a powerful programming language that has been gaining popularity in recent years for building high-performance web applications.

The course covers key concepts such as setting up a development environment, creating a basic web application from scratch, working with HTTP requests and responses, handling data, and implementing server-side template handling. It also teaches how to use popular third-party packages and frameworks like Gorilla and Martini in order to develop more advanced web applications.

Throughout this course, students will learn how to develop RESTful APIs and create dynamic web pages using Go. They will also learn how to integrate popular databases like MongoDB and PostgreSQL with their web applications.

This course is designed for anyone who wants to learn web development with Go. It is particularly useful for students who are familiar with the basics of Go programming and want to use this knowledge to build high-performance web applications. By the end of the course, students will have a solid understanding of Go web development and be able to build real-world applications.

March 27, 2023

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