
Developer learning path






Goroutines are a key feature in the Go programming language that allows concurrent programming. A Goroutine is a lightweight thread managed by the Go runtime that can run in parallel with other Goroutines in the same program.

In Go, Goroutines are created using the keyword "go" followed by a function call. This creates a new Goroutine and starts running the corresponding function in the background. The main program can then continue without waiting for the function to complete, allowing for highly concurrent and efficient programming.

Here is an example that shows how to use Goroutines:

func f() {
    for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {

func main() {
    go f() // start a new Goroutine
    for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
        fmt.Println("main:", i)

In this example, the function "f" is executed in a new Goroutine, while the main program continues to execute. This allows both the main program and the Goroutine to print out their respective messages simultaneously, resulting in interleaved output.

Goroutines are a powerful feature in Go that allow for efficient and concurrent programming. They are useful for a wide variety of applications, such as networking, parallel processing, and more.

March 27, 2023



Goroutines are a fundamental building block in concurrency in Go programming language. A Goroutine is a lightweight thread of execution that can run concurrently with other Goroutines. Essentially, it is a function that is executed asynchronously, in a separate thread.

To create a Goroutine, we simply add the keyword "go" before the function call.

For example:

func printNum(num int) {

func main() {
    go printNum(10)
    fmt.Println("Waiting for Goroutine to finish")

In the above code, we create a Goroutine to execute the "printNum" function with argument 10. The main function will continue to execute even as the Goroutine runs in the background.

One of the main advantages of Goroutines is that they allow for easy concurrency in Go, without the overhead of creating multiple threads. Because Goroutines are lightweight, it is possible to create tens of thousands of them without significantly impacting performance.

Furthermore, Goroutines can communicate with each other safely through channels. This allows for easy synchronization and passing of data between different concurrent processes.

Overall, Goroutines are a powerful feature of Go programming language that make it easy to create concurrent applications.

March 27, 2023

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