
Developer learning path


CRUD Functionality in Go

CRUD Functionality



In a course on Go programming language, one of the topics covered may be CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) functionality. CRUD functionality refers to the four basic functions that are typically needed for data management in a relational database.

In Go, CRUD operations involve using different data structures and functions to perform these basic operations on data stored in a database. For example, to create a new record, you would typically use the INSERT statement to add data to the database, while to update an existing record, you would use the UPDATE statement to modify the data in the database. Similarly, to delete a record, you would use the DELETE statement to remove the data from the database.

The course on CRUD functionality in Go would typically cover topics such as connecting to a database, creating tables, inserting and retrieving data, updating and deleting records, and handling errors that may occur during these operations. The course may also cover best practices for database design and optimization, as well as security measures to ensure that data is protected from unauthorized access.

Overall, the course would provide participants with a solid foundation in using Go to perform CRUD operations on relational databases, allowing them to develop robust and scalable applications that can efficiently manage large amounts of data.

March 27, 2023

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