
Developer learning path


Select Statement in Go

Select Statement



A select statement allows you to wait on multiple channel operations. It blocks until one of the operations completes, and then executes the corresponding case.

The select statement is used in conjunction with channels to synchronize concurrent operations. The select statement blocks until one of the channels has data to receive or a send operation can be performed. Once a case is selected, the statement assigned to the selected case will be executed, and the program will continue from that point.

The general syntax for a select statement is:

select {
case channel1 <- value1:
    // executes when channel1 has space to send value1 
case value2 := <- channel2:
    // executes when channel2 is ready to receive and receives a value that gets stored in value2
    // executes when neither case is ready or another case is not yet ready

The select statement consists of one or more cases that specify the communication over channels. Each case includes a channel and an operation to perform. The operations can be sending or receiving data.

Typically, select statements are used in a loop to continually wait for data from multiple channels. This allows for concurrent processing and synchronization between multiple goroutines.

Overall, the select statement is an important tool for handling channel communication and synchronization in Go, and it is especially useful in concurrent programming.

March 27, 2023

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