
Developer learning path


Creating Your Own Packages in Go

Creating Your Own Packages



Go programming language provides a convenient and powerful way of organizing code into reusable packages. A package in Go is simply a collection of related Go source files placed together in a directory. Packages are used to promote code reuse, modularity, and maintainability in Go programs.

Creating your own packages in Go is a simple process. All you need to do is organize related functions, types, and variables into a separate directory and declare them as part of a package.

To declare a package, add the following statement at the top of your Go source file:

package <package-name>

Once you have created your packages, you can use them in your Go programs by importing them.

To import a package, add the following statement at the top of your Go source file:

import "<package-name>"

You can also specify the specific functions or types you want to use from a package by prefixing them with the package name.

For example:

import "mypackage"

func main() {

Creating your own packages can make your code more organized, easier to maintain, and more reusable. It is recommended to create packages that are specific to your project's requirements, rather than creating generic packages that might not be useful in your project.

March 27, 2023

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