
Developer learning path


Test Options in Rust

Test Options



In Rust, tests are written using the built-in testing framework, which allows developers to make assertions about the behavior of their code. The testing framework provides a number of features, including support for running tests in parallel, measuring test coverage, and running tests in various configurations.

One key aspect of Rust's testing framework is the use of options, which can be used to customize the behavior of tests.

Some of the key options available in Rust include:

  • --test-threads: This option is used to control the number of test threads that are run simultaneously. By default, Rust will use as many threads as there are available CPU cores on the machine. However, this can be overridden to run tests with more or fewer threads.
  • --test-args: This option is used to pass arguments to test functions. This can be useful for running tests with different configurations or settings.
  • --nocapture: By default, Rust captures the output of tests and only displays it if the test fails. Using the --nocapture option will display the output of all tests, regardless of whether they pass or fail.
  • --ignored: This option is used to run tests that have been marked as ignored, i.e., those that are not currently being run as part of the test suite.
  • --test: This option is used to run a specific test function, rather than running the entire test suite. The name of the test function must be provided as an argument.

By using these options, developers can tailor the behavior of Rust's testing framework to meet their specific requirements, making it easier to identify and fix issues in their code.

March 27, 2023

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