
Developer learning path


Debugging Rust Code

Debugging Rust Code



Debugging is an essential part of software development, and Rust provides developers with powerful tools to help them debug their code effectively. In this course on debugging Rust code, you will learn about the tools and techniques that Rust provides for debugging, including debuggers, print debugging, and functional testing.

First, we will explore the Rust debugger, which is an essential tool for stepping through Rust code line-by-line and inspecting variables as the code executes. You will learn how to use the Rust debugger to track down elusive bugs, understand how Rust programs work under the hood, and isolate issues that arise during development.

Next, we will introduce print debugging, which is an essential technique for identifying and fixing bugs in Rust code. You will learn how to use print debugging to trace the execution path of your code, get insight into variable values, and gain an understanding of the flow of control in your program.

Finally, we will cover functional testing, which is an essential technique for ensuring that your Rust programs work as intended. You will learn about Rust's built-in testing framework, how to write tests that exercise all of your program's functionality, and how to use testing to detect issues before they cause problems in production.

By the end of this course, you will have a solid understanding of the tools and techniques that Rust provides for debugging, and you will be able to apply these techniques to your own Rust projects.

March 27, 2023

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