
Developer learning path


Slices in Rust




Slices in Rust are a way of working with a subset, or portion, of an existing array or other collection. They allow you to reference a contiguous sequence of elements within the larger collection without creating a new copy of those elements.

In other words, slices are like windows into an array or string, giving you access to specific elements or substrings without having to copy the entire data structure.

To create a slice, you simply define the range of indices that you want to reference within the original collection.

Here is an example:

let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let slice = &arr[2..4];

In this example, we create a slice that references elements 2 and 3 of the arr array. Notice that we use the & operator to create a reference to the slice, rather than copying it to a new variable.

Slices are commonly used in Rust code, especially when working with large data structures where copying data could be expensive in terms of memory and processing time.

In addition to ranges, slices can also be created using pointers and lengths or using the .. range syntax to reference from the beginning or end of a collection.

Overall, slices offer a powerful and efficient way to work with collections of data in Rust.

March 27, 2023

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