
Developer learning path


FFI in Rust




FFI stands for Foreign Function Interface, which is a way to connect Rust code with code written in other programming languages such as C, C++ or Python. This is commonly used when Rust needs to interact with existing code that is written in a language other than Rust.

The FFI mechanism in Rust is defined by several conventions that allow Rust code to interoperate with foreign functions. These conventions define how arguments are passed to functions, how return values are managed, and how data types are represented.

Rust provides a few tools for working with FFI, such as:

  • The #[repr(C)] attribute, which indicates how a struct or enum should be represented in memory so that it can be passed to and from foreign functions.
  • The #[link(name = "library_name")] attribute, which links Rust code to a C library.
  • The extern keyword, which defines an external function that is implemented in another language.

To use FFI in Rust, you need to be familiar with the syntax and conventions of the foreign language that you're working with. You also need to have knowledge of the specific FFI semantics of Rust, such as the use of unsafe code and the pointer types that are used in foreign function calls.

Overall, FFI is an important feature for Rust developers who need to work with existing codebases or to integrate Rust code with other programming languages in their projects.

March 27, 2023

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