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Defining Structs in Rust

Defining Structs



Defining Structs is an important topic in Rust programming as it allows developers to define their own data structures that can be used to represent complex data types. A struct is a fundamental building block in the Rust programming language, and it is a way to group related data items together.

In Rust, a struct can be defined using the "struct" keyword, followed by the name of the struct and the fields of the struct. For example, consider a struct named "Person" that has two fields, "name" and "age".

Below is an example of defining this struct in Rust:

struct Person {
    name: String,
    age: u32,

Here, we've defined a struct with two fields: "name", which is of type "String", and "age", which is of type "u32". These fields can be accessed using dot notation, for example: person.name would return the value of the name field for an instance of the Person struct.

Structs can be further customized using various features of Rust. For example, the #[derive] attribute can be used to automatically implement certain traits for a struct, such as Debug, Clone, and Copy. Structs can also contain methods which allow for more complex behavior associated with the structure.

Overall, defining structs is an essential part of Rust programming, and understanding how to define and use them is key to building complex and efficient programs in Rust.

March 27, 2023

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