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Rust Standard Library

Rust Standard Library



The Rust Standard Library, or std for short, is a core crate in Rust that provides a standardized set of APIs for common programming tasks. It includes modules and types for essential functionality such as I/O, threading, networking, and data structures. The std crate is automatically included in every Rust project and its API is part of the Rust language specification.

The std crate is organized into modules, which are nested namespaces that group related types and functions.

Some of the most commonly used modules in std include:

  • std::io: provides types and traits for reading and writing data from various sources and formats such as files, sockets, and command-line arguments.
  • std::thread: provides types for creating and managing threads, as well as synchronization primitives for coordinating access to shared data.
  • std::collections: provides various data structures such as vectors, hash maps, and linked lists.
  • std::net: provides types and functions for network programming, such as TCP and UDP sockets.

Learning the Rust Standard Library is an essential part of becoming a proficient Rust programmer. It is important to be familiar with the modules and types available in std and to understand when and how to use them effectively in your programs. Many of the concepts in std are also used throughout the Rust ecosystem, including popular third-party crates, so a strong understanding of std is beneficial for working with Rust libraries and frameworks.

March 27, 2023

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