
Developer learning path


Installing Rust

Installing Rust



Rust is an open-source programming language that is designed for systems programming with an emphasis on safety, concurrency, and performance. It provides modern programming concepts while avoiding many of the pitfalls of other programming languages. Rust is cross-platform and has a large and growing community.

To get started with Rust, you need to install it on your computer. The installation process is straightforward and can be done in a few steps.

  1. Choose your operating system: Rust supports many operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. You can find the appropriate installation instructions for your operating system on the official Rust website.
  1. Install Rust using the appropriate package manager: Rust can be installed using a package manager or a binary installer. The recommended way to install Rust is to use the rustup tool, which can be installed using the appropriate package manager for your operating system.
  1. Verify the installation: After installing Rust, you should verify that it is installed correctly by opening a terminal or command prompt and typing "rustc --version". This should display the version of Rust that you just installed.
  1. Install an IDE or text editor: With Rust installed, you can start coding Rust programs. You'll need an integrated development environment (IDE) or a text editor to write your code. Some popular options include Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, and Atom.

Once you have Rust installed and a text editor or IDE set up, you can start learning the basics of the language and building your first Rust program. There are many resources available online, such as the official Rust documentation and community forums, that can help you get started.

March 27, 2023

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