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Result Enum in Rust

Result Enum



The Result Enum in Rust is a type that represents either a successful result that stores a value or an error that occurred during the execution of a function. It is a useful way to handle error cases in Rust code.

The Result Enum has two variants - Ok and Err. The Ok variant holds the successful result value while the Err variant holds an error value. Rust provides this enum to make it easy for developers to detect and handle any possible error that can occur during runtime.

The Result Enum has a generic implementation, meaning that it can be used with any data type. For instance, you can create a Result type to hold the result of an operation that returns an integer value, a string value, or any other data type.

A function can return a Result type as its return value. Every function that may result in errors should use the Result type as its return type. The caller of a function returning a Result type is required to handle the error, which avoids code errors and crashes.

To use the Result Enum, you would pattern-match to check if the result is Ok or Err. If the result is Ok, you can access the value inside it using the unwrap or expect method. If the result is Err, you can print out the error value or handle the error as needed.

Overall, the Result Enum is a powerful tool in Rust to help programmers handle errors gracefully, improving code reliability and helping to eliminate runtime errors.

March 27, 2023

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