
Developer learning path


Running Tests in Rust

Running Tests



Rust is a strongly typed compiled programming language that provides a wide range of features and tools for developers to build reliable and efficient applications. Writing tests is an essential part of the development process to ensure that your code works as expected, catches bugs early, and makes it easier to maintain and evolve your codebase over time.

In Rust, running tests is straightforward using the built-in test harness in the Rust standard library. The test harness is responsible for running all the test functions in a module and reporting any errors or failures. The test functions are annotated with the #[test] attribute, which instruct the Rust compiler to treat them as test functions.

To run the tests, you can use the cargo test command, which will compile your project if necessary and run all the tests in your project, reporting the results in the console. The test results will include the number of tests passed, failed, and skipped, along with any error messages or other relevant information.

Rust provides several testing helpers, which can be used to write more expressive and concise tests. Some of the testing helpers include assert, assert_eq, and assert_ne macros, which can be used to compare values and report any errors in a readable way.

Overall, running tests in Rust is a straightforward process, and it is essential for building reliable and maintainable applications. Learning how to write effective tests and using the testing tools and helpers available in Rust can significantly improve your development process and help you catch bugs early in the development cycle.

March 27, 2023

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