
Developer learning path


Unit Testing with PyTest in Python

Unit Testing with PyTest



Unit Testing is an essential part of software development that helps to identify and fix bugs at an early stage of application development. Pytest is a popular testing framework used for writing functional and unit tests in python.

The course on Unit Testing with Pytest is designed to help developers understand the basics of writing test cases using Pytest.

The course covers topics such as:

  1. Introduction to Pytest framework
  1. Setting up Pytest
  1. Writing basic test functions
  1. Writing fixtures to initialize test functions
  1. Handling exceptions during testing
  1. Building test suites
  1. Test coverage analysis
  1. Parameterizing tests
  1. Running test suites in parallel

By the end of the course, developers will be able to write automated test cases using Pytest that assure the quality of their code before it is deployed. This course is suitable for software developers who use Python for their developing applications, and it is recommended that participants have a basic understanding of the Python programming language.

March 25, 2023

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