
Developer learning path


Python Coding Standards

Python Coding Standards



Python Coding Standards refer to a set of rules and guidelines that developers should follow when writing Python code. Coding standards help to ensure that code is easily readable and maintainable, and that it meets industry best practices.

Some common Python coding standards include:

  1. PEP 8 - This is the official Python style guide that covers many aspects of code layout and formatting, variable naming conventions, and more.
  1. Docstrings - Python code should be well-documented, and one standard way of achieving this is by using docstrings. Docstrings are strings that are placed immediately after a function, class, or module definition and provide a description of the code.
  1. Naming conventions - Python variables, functions, and classes should be named using a standard convention that is both descriptive and easy to read. For example, variables should be named using lowercase letters and underscores (e.g., my_variable), while classes should use CamelCase (e.g., MyClass).
  1. Code organization - Code should be properly organized and structured so that it is easy to follow and maintain.

Following these Python coding standards can make your code easier to read and understand, and can also make it more maintainable over time.

March 25, 2023

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