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CSV Files in Python

CSV Files



CSV (Comma Separated Values) files are a common way to store data, especially when you need to share data between different programs or systems. Python provides several modules for working with CSV files, including the csv module and the Pandas library.

The csv module is a built-in Python module that allows you to read and write CSV files. It provides functions to read and write CSV files, as well as tools to handle different types of delimiters and quotation characters.

Pandas is a library in Python that provides functionality for data manipulation, including the ability to read and write CSV files. Pandas can handle a wider range of data types and can perform more advanced data manipulation operations.

To read a CSV file in Python using the csv module, you must first import the module and then create a CSV reader object. You can then use the reader object to iterate over the rows of the file and extract the data you need.

To write data to a CSV file using the csv module, you must first create a CSV writer object and then write the data to the file row by row. In Pandas, you can use functions like read_csv and to_csv to read and write CSV files.

In summary, working with CSV files is an important skill for any Python developer. The csv module and Pandas library provide powerful tools to manipulate CSV files and work with the data they contain.

March 25, 2023

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