
Developer learning path


Performing CRUD Operations in Python

Performing CRUD Operations



In computer programming, CRUD refers to the four basic functions of persistent storage: Create, Read, Update, and Delete. These four functions are used to manage data stored in a database or file system.

In Python, performing CRUD operations involves writing code to interact with a database or file system, where you can create, read, update, and delete data.

For example, to create data, you may need to set up a connection to a database, specify the table you want to insert data, and provide the values you want to insert. You can use SQL (Structured Query Language) queries to perform these operations.

To read data, you can use SQL or Python libraries like Pandas to query and extract data from a database or file. With Pandas, you can read a CSV file and manipulate it easily as a dataframe.

To update data, you may again use SQL syntax or libraries like SQLAlchemy to update values in a database.

Lastly, to delete data, you use SQL queries or Python libraries to remove data from the database or file.

Performing CRUD operations requires a strong understanding of programming concepts and skills in database management. As with any programming task, it is important to ensure that your code is secure and handles errors properly to prevent data loss.

March 25, 2023

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