
Developer learning path


Socket Programming in Python

Socket Programming



Socket programming in Python refers to the way of creating a network application which can communicate through client-server model by using the standard Python library called "socket". This technique plays a vital role in building networking applications and connecting different devices to the Internet.

The whole idea revolves around the concept of sockets which are basically end points at either side of a network connection. Sockets allow communication between different processes running on different devices. In Python, sockets can be opened in two modes i.e, The server mode and The client mode.

The server mode is responsible for establishing a connection with clients and responding to their requests. Whereas, the client mode is used to establish a connection with the server and exchange data between the connected devices.

Python socket programming is used in different fields like communication applications, gaming applications, automation systems, file transfer, web browsing and more. By using socket programming in python, developers can design custom protocols, which can be used for a range of applications.

In summary, socket programming in Python is a powerful way of creating network applications that can communicate with each other, and it allows developers to create highly customizable protocols for their applications.

March 25, 2023

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