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Dictionaries in Python




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Dictionaries are a type of data structure in Python that allow you to store and organize data in key-value pairs. In other words, a dictionary is a collection of items, each with a unique key and a corresponding value.

Here's an example of a dictionary:

student_grades = {'John': 90, 'Sarah': 85, 'Kate': 95}

In this example, student_grades is a dictionary with three items. Each item has a key (John, Sarah, and Kate) and a value (90, 85, and 95, respectively).

You can access the values in a dictionary by using the keys.

For example, to get John's grade, you would do:

johns_grade = student_grades['John']

You can also add, update, and remove items from a dictionary using various built-in methods.

For example, to add a new student and their grade to the student_grades dictionary, you would do:

student_grades['Mike'] = 80

To update a student's grade, you would do:

student_grades['John'] = 85

And to remove a student and their grade from the dictionary, you would do:

del student_grades['Kate']

Dictionaries can be very useful for a wide variety of applications, from storing data about students to managing complex datasets. I hope this helps!

March 25, 2023

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