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Grouping and Capturing in Python

Grouping and Capturing



Grouping and capturing are important concepts in regular expressions, which are widely used in programming languages like Python.

Grouping in regular expressions refers to creating a group of matching characters or patterns enclosed within parentheses. For example, the regular expression (abc)+ will match a string that has one or more occurrences of the sequence "abc". The parentheses indicate that "abc" is a grouped pattern that should be repeated one or more times.

Capturing refers to the ability of regular expressions to remember the matched patterns, which can then be accessed and used in subsequent operations. This is achieved using capture groups, which are specified in the regular expression using parentheses. For example, the regular expression (\d{3})-(\d{2})-(\d{4}) will match a string that has a date in the format "ddd-dd-dddd" (where "d" stands for any digit) and capture each component (day, month, year) separately. These captured components can then be accessed using back-references (\1, \2, \3) in the replacement string or in the program that uses the regular expression.

Grouping and capturing are powerful techniques that enable programmers to extract and manipulate complex data using regular expressions. They are key skills for anyone working with text processing or data analysis in Python.

March 25, 2023

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