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Basic Regular Expressions and Metacharacters in Python

Basic Regular Expressions and Metacharacters



Regular expressions (regex) are a powerful tool for manipulating text. They are a sequence of characters that form a search pattern, which can be used to search for specific patterns of characters within a string or a document.

In Python, you can use regular expressions by importing the re module. This module provides a set of functions that allow you to search, match, and manipulate strings using regular expressions.

Basic Regular Expressions and Metacharacters are building blocks of regular expressions.

Some of the basic regex metacharacters include:

  1. Dot (.): This metacharacter matches any character except newline.
  1. Caret (^): This metacharacter matches the beginning of the string.
  1. Dollar ($): This metacharacter matches the end of the string.
  1. Square brackets ([]): This metacharacter matches any one of the characters in the brackets.
  1. Pipe (|): This metacharacter matches either the expression before or after it.
  1. Asterisk (*): This metacharacter matches zero or more occurrences of the preceding expression.
  1. Plus (+): This metacharacter matches one or more occurrences of the preceding expression.
  1. Question mark (?): This metacharacter matches zero or one occurrence of the preceding expression.

Using these basic regex metacharacters, you can form complex patterns to match and manipulate any text. For example, the pattern "ca[eo]t" will match any string that has "cat" or "cot" in it.

Learning regular expressions is an essential skill for any Python programmer who needs to manipulate text data.

March 25, 2023

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