
Developer learning path


Node.js Modules

Node.js Modules



Node.js modules are reusable code blocks or libraries that can be imported into your application to perform specific tasks. Modules can be either built-in modules or external modules developed by third-party developers. Using modules in your code can help you to improve code organization, simplify maintenance, and save time and effort by reusing code instead of writing everything from scratch.

For example, to use the fs module for working with the file system, you would use the following code:

const fs = require('fs');

You can also create your own custom modules that encapsulate certain functionality of your application. To do this, you would simply group related functions and variables in a separate .js file and then export them using the module.exports object.

For example, let's say you want to create a custom module for logging messages to the console.

You could create a logger.js file with the following contents:

function log(message) {

module.exports = log;

You could then use this custom module in other parts of your code as follows:

const logger = require('./logger');

logger('Hello, world!');

This will log the message 'Hello, world!' to the console using the log() function defined in the logger.js module.

Overall, using modules in your Node.js applications can help make your code more modular, maintainable, and reusable.

March 25, 2023

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