
Developer learning path


Handling Passwords and Sensitive Data in Node.js

Handling Passwords and Sensitive Data



In any web application, handling passwords and other sensitive data is a critical aspect of security. Node.js provides several modules and techniques to handle passwords and sensitive data securely. In this course, you will learn various strategies for handling passwords and sensitive data in Node.js.

One of the most common mistakes in handling passwords and sensitive data is storing them in plain text. Storing passwords in plain text makes them easily accessible to anyone who gains access to the database or server. Instead, we should use techniques such as hashing and salting to store passwords securely. In this course, you will learn how to use Node.js packages such as bcrypt and crypto to hash and salt passwords.

Another important aspect of handling sensitive data is encryption. Node.js provides several modules for encryption, such as Node.js's built-in crypto module and the popular package, openSSL. You will learn how to use these modules to encrypt and decrypt data in Node.js.

You will also learn how to manage sessions and cookies securely using the popular package, express-session. Managing sessions securely is crucial for preventing common web application attacks such as session hijacking.

Finally, the course will cover other best practices for handling passwords and sensitive data, including avoiding storing sensitive data unless necessary, using secure communication protocols, and proper data sanitization.

Overall, this course will equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to handle passwords and sensitive data securely in Node.js applications.

March 25, 2023

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