
Developer learning path


NPM (Node Package Manager) in Node.js

NPM (Node Package Manager)



Node Package Manager (NPM) is a tool used to manage, install and share packages or different modules of code that can be used in Node.js projects. Using NPM, developers can easily install and manage different packages and their dependencies, making it easier and more efficient to work with external code in their projects.

NPM comes bundled with Node.js installations, so it does not require any additional installation or configuration. It uses a command-line interface (CLI) to run commands that allow developers to manage different packages.

The most commonly used commands in NPM are:

  • npm init - initializes a new Node.js project with a package.json file that contains project details and dependencies.
  • npm install - installs all packages listed in the package.json file.
  • npm install <package-name> - installs a specific package.
  • npm install <package-name> -g - installs a package globally on your machine instead of locally in your project.
  • npm update - updates all packages to their latest versions.
  • npm uninstall <package-name> - uninstalls a specific package.

Using NPM, developers can also publish their own packages to the NPM registry, making them publicly available for others to use. This allows for easy sharing and collaboration on Node.js projects.

In summary, NPM is an essential tool for managing packages and dependencies in Node.js projects, allowing developers to work more efficiently and effectively.

March 25, 2023

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