
Developer learning path


Builtin Modules in Node.js

Builtin Modules



Node.js comes with a set of built-in modules that can be used to perform various tasks. These modules are part of the Node.js core and provide essential functionality to a wide range of applications.

Some of the most popular built-in modules include:

  1. http: This module enables the creation of HTTP servers and clients, which can be used to build web applications.
  1. fs: The fs module is used for file input/output operations, allowing you to read and write files from within your Node.js application.
  1. path: The path module provides tools for working with file paths and directories, making it easier to navigate and manipulate file systems.
  1. os: The os module provides information about the operating system and the computer that the Node.js application is running on, such as available memory, processor architecture, and network interfaces.
  1. events: The events module is used for creating and handling events in Node.js, allowing your application to respond to user interactions, system events, and other triggers.

There are many other built-in modules available in Node.js, covering a wide range of functionality including cryptography, networking, debugging, and more. By using these modules, you can build powerful and efficient applications quickly and easily.

March 25, 2023

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