
Developer learning path


Node.js Globals

Node.js Globals



In Node.js, a global refers to a property or function that is available globally to all modules, that is, it can be accessed from any module without importing or requiring it explicitly. There are a number of built-in global variables and functions in Node.js.

Some of the most commonly used global variables in Node.js include:

  1. __filename: This global variable provides the full path of the script being executed.
  1. process: This global variable provides information about the current process that is running the Node.js application.
  1. console: This is a global object that provides methods for logging information, debugging, and error messages.

Some of the commonly used global functions in Node.js include:

  1. setTimeout(): This function is used to execute a function once after a specified delay.
  1. setInterval(): This function is used to execute a function repeatedly after a specified delay.
  1. require(): This function is used to load external modules into a Node.js application.
  1. Buffer(): This function is used to create buffers, which are used to represent binary data in Node.js.

Overall, understanding these global variables and functions in Node.js can greatly enhance your ability to build powerful and efficient Node.js applications.

March 25, 2023

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