
Developer learning path


Web Application Security in Node.js

Web Application Security



The security of web applications is a critical aspect of any Node.js project because, without proper security measures in place, data breaches, unauthorized access, and other harmful incidents can occur. These incidents can lead to sensitive data being stolen, defacement of websites, or even complete system failure.

Therefore, a course on Node.js Web Application Security would be aimed at equipping developers with the necessary skills and knowledge to secure web applications developed with Node.js.

The course would cover topics such as:

  1. OWASP Top 10: An overview of the top ten most critical web application security risks that developers should be aware of.
  1. Authentication and Authorization: Best practices for implementing authentication and authorization mechanisms in Node.js applications to ensure that only authorized users can access specific resources.
  1. Data Validation: How to validate user input to prevent security vulnerabilities such as SQL injection attacks and XSS attacks.
  1. Security Auditing and Logging: How to audit and log security events to detect and respond to attacks quickly.
  1. Web application firewalls: How to implement web application firewalls to protect against attacks such as DDoS.
  1. HTTPS and SSL/TLS: How to secure communication using HTTPS and SSL/TLS protocols.

By the end of the course, students would have learned how to develop secure web applications using Node.js and be well-versed in industry standards and best practices for web application security.

March 25, 2023

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