
Developer learning path


Physicsbased animation with Processing

Physicsbased animation with Processing



Physics-based animation with Processing refers to the creation of digital animations that simulate real-world physics forces and motion. With Processing, developers can create animations that can be programmed to simulate a variety of physical motions, such as gravity, collisions, and particle interactions.

This course on Processing would be focused on teaching the principles of physics-based animation and how to implement them in Processing. It could cover topics such as kinematics, dynamics, Newton's laws of motion, and vector calculus. Additionally, the course could teach students how to use Processing's built-in physics libraries to create advanced animation effects.

Some specific topics that could be covered in this course include:

  • Understanding the role of physics in animation
  • Understanding the difference between kinematics and dynamics
  • Implementing basic motion physics, such as mass, acceleration, and velocity
  • Creating simulations of forces like gravity, friction, and air resistance
  • Building and animating particle systems, such as smoke or rain
  • Creating simulations of physics-based collisions and interactions between objects
  • Adding advanced visual effects like lighting, shadows, and shading to physics-based animations

By the end of the course, students should be able to design and develop complex animations that incorporate real-world physics principles, which would make their animations more realistic and engaging.

March 27, 2023

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