
Developer learning path


Memory management in Processing

Memory management



Memory management in processing is concerned with how a running program uses the computer's memory. Processing uses dynamic memory allocation, which means that memory is allocated as and when needed by the program during runtime.

The main goal of memory management is to ensure that the program does not use more memory than necessary and that the memory that is used is released when it is no longer needed. This helps to prevent memory leaks, which can cause the program to slow down or even crash.

In processing, memory management is typically handled by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which is responsible for allocating and releasing memory as needed. The JVM uses a technique called garbage collection, in which it automatically frees up memory that is no longer being used by the program.

However, this does not mean that programmers don't have to worry about memory management in processing. In fact, poorly written code can still cause memory leaks, even with the use of garbage collection. Programmers need to be careful to avoid creating unnecessary objects and to make sure that objects are released when they are no longer needed.

Overall, memory management is an important aspect of programming in processing, and it is essential to understand how it works in order to write efficient and reliable code.

March 27, 2023

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