
Developer learning path


Building interactive data visualizations in Processing

Building interactive data visualizations



Processing is a programming language developed specifically for artists and designers who want to create interactive and visual projects. In this course, participants will learn how to create interactive data visualizations using Processing.

The course will start with the basics of Processing, teaching participants how to write code to draw shapes, colors, and graphics on the screen. From there, the focus will move towards data visualization techniques, such as how to load data, parse it, and use it to create meaningful visualizations.

Participants will learn about different types of visualizations, such as scatter plots, line charts, and bar charts, and how to use Processing to create them. The course will also cover interaction techniques, such as mouse events and keyboard events, that allow users to interact with the visualizations.

The final part of the course will focus on using Processing to create more advanced and complex visualizations, such as network diagrams and 3D visualizations. Participants will also learn how to export their visualizations as images or animations.

By the end of the course, participants will have the knowledge and skills to create interactive data visualizations using Processing. This will allow them to better analyze and communicate data in a visual way, which is increasingly important in fields such as data science, journalism, and digital marketing.

March 27, 2023

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