
Developer learning path


Basic drawing functions in Processing

Basic drawing functions



Processing is a programming language and environment designed for creating visual and interactive media. It is particularly popular in the fields of art, design, and education.

One of the fundamental aspects of Processing is its support for basic drawing functions, which allow users to create simple shapes and patterns using code.

These functions include:

  1. Point(): Draws a single point on the screen at a specified coordinate.
  1. Line(): Draws a straight line between two specified points.
  1. Rect(): Draws a rectangle on the screen at a specified location and with a specified width and height.
  1. Ellipse(): Draws an ellipse on the screen at a specified location and with a specified width and height.
  1. Triangle(): Draws a triangle on the screen defined by three specified points.

By combining these functions, users can create more complex shapes and patterns, such as polygons, curves, and gradients. They can also manipulate the size, color, and position of the shapes using variables and other programming constructs.

Learning the basics of drawing functions in Processing is essential for creating any kind of visual artwork or interactive project using the language.

March 27, 2023

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