
Developer learning path


Communicating with other software and devices in Processing

Communicating with other software and devices



Processing is a flexible and powerful programming language that can easily communicate with other software and devices.

Here are a few ways that Processing can be used for communication:

  1. Serial Communication: Processing has built-in libraries that support serial communication between your computer and other devices. This means that you can use Processing to send and receive data from devices such as sensors, microcontrollers, and even other computers.
  1. Network Communication: Processing can also communicate over network protocols such as TCP/IP, UDP, and OSC. This allows you to exchange data with other devices on a local network or even over the internet.
  1. Interprocess Communication: Processing can communicate with other applications on your computer using various techniques such as pipes, sockets, and shared memory. This can be useful when you need to integrate processing into other workflows or use it alongside other programs.
  1. Third-Party Integration: Processing can be integrated with other software and frameworks such as OpenCV, Arduino, and Pure Data. This allows you to use processing alongside these tools and frameworks, leveraging their capabilities to build more complex and dynamic applications.

Overall, Processing's communication capabilities make it a great tool for building applications that can interact with the real world, whether that's through sensors and microcontrollers, network devices, or other software and frameworks.

March 27, 2023

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