
Developer learning path


Building standalone applications and mobile apps in Processing

Building standalone applications and mobile apps



Processing is a programming language and development environment designed for artists, designers, and other people interested in creating interactive and visual experiences. One of the advantages of using Processing is that it allows developers to build standalone applications and mobile apps without requiring extensive knowledge of other programming languages.

Building standalone applications involves packaging the code and related assets into an executable file that can be run independently on a computer operating system. Processing offers several tools for building standalone applications including the ability to export the code as a Java application, an Android application or an iOS application.

To build mobile apps, developers can use Processing to create apps for both Android and iOS operating systems. Processing offers a few different ways to create mobile apps, including the use of Android mode, which allows for easy app building on Android devices. Alternatively, developers can use the iOS mode, which facilitates the creation of apps for Apple devices such as the iPhone and iPad.

In summary, Processing offers developers the opportunity to create standalone applications and mobile apps without extensive knowledge of other programming languages. The ability to export code as a Java application, Android application, or iOS application simplifies the development process and makes it accessible to individuals with varying levels of technical expertise.

March 27, 2023

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