
Developer learning path


Basic charting and graphing techniques in Processing

Basic charting and graphing techniques



Processing is an open source programming language and environment for creating visual art, animations, and interactive applications. Basic charting and graphing techniques in Processing involve using data visualization libraries to create graphs and charts that display numerical data in a clear and organized way.

In order to chart data in Processing, you first need to have a set of data that you want to visualize. Data sets can come from a variety of sources, including user input, data files, APIs, and databases. Once you have your data, you can use a library such as the Processing Data Visualization (p5.js) library to create charts and graphs that depict the data in a visually appealing way.

One popular charting technique in Processing is the bar chart, which is used to compare and contrast values in a data set. Another common charting technique is the line graph, which is used to show how values change over time.

In order to create a basic bar chart in Processing using p5.js, you would first need to declare your data and then use the P5.js functions to draw the axes and bars. Similarly, to create a basic line graph, you would need to first declare your data and then use P5.js functions to draw the x- and y-axes and the lines connecting the data points.

Overall, basic charting and graphing techniques in Processing involve using data visualization libraries and P5.js functions to create clear and informative representations of numerical data.

March 27, 2023

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