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What is React Router?

What is React Router?



React Router is one of the most important libraries in the React ecosystem. It is responsible for managing the navigation and routing aspects of a React application. In simple terms, it allows you to create and manage different routes in your application and also provides a way to handle navigation between these routes.

The React Router library provides different components such as Route, Switch, Redirect, and NavLink that can be used to create and manage various routes. A route is defined as a particular URL path in the application, and it can be associated with a specific component that will be rendered when the user navigates to that route.

For example, suppose you have a simple React application that has a home page, about page, and contact page. In that case, you can use the React Router to create different routes for each of these pages and link them to their respective components. This way, when the user clicks on the link for the about page, for instance, the router will render the associated component.

React Router also supports nested routes, which means you can have sub-routes nested within a parent route. This is useful when building complex applications that need to manage multiple pages and their associated components.

In summary, React Router is a powerful library that enables smooth navigation and routing in React applications. It is a must-know tool for any React developer who wants to build robust and scalable applications.

March 25, 2023

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