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Navigating between pages using Link and NavLink components in React

Navigating between pages using Link and NavLink components



React is a popular JavaScript library used for building dynamic user interfaces for web applications. When it comes to creating a multi-page application, we need to be able to navigate users to different pages within the application. React provides two components for accomplishing this task; Link and NavLink.

Link component is used to navigate between different pages within the application. It is part of the react-router-dom library which provides powerful routing capabilities to React applications.

The syntax for using the Link component is as follows:

import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';

<Link to='/about'>About</Link>

In the above code, we are importing the Link component from react-router-dom library and using it to create a hyperlink which navigates users to /about page when clicked.

NavLink is a similar component to Link, but with added styling capabilities. It allows you to apply custom styles to the active NavLink which makes it easier for users to understand where they are in the application.

The syntax for using the NavLink component is as follows:

import { NavLink } from 'react-router-dom';

<NavLink to='/about' activeClassName='active'>About</NavLink>

In the above code, we are importing NavLink component from react-router-dom library and using it to create a hyperlink like Link. The activeClassName is a prop that can be used to apply custom styling to the active NavLink element.

By using the Link and NavLink components in combination with the react-router-dom library, we can create a seamless multi-page application with easy navigation controls.

March 25, 2023

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