
Developer learning path


ReactRedux integration

ReactRedux integration



React Redux integration refers to the process of combining two popular libraries in the world of web development i.e. ReactJS and ReduxJS.

ReactJS is a popular JavaScript library used for building UI components, while ReduxJS is a state management library that helps manage the state of an application.

The integration of React and Redux is very popular since it allows developers to handle complex state logic and helps to scale the application more effectively.

To integrate React and Redux, first you will need to install both libraries using npm (Node Package Manager). The React-Redux library provides the glue between the two libraries and is used for connecting React components to the Redux store.

Once both libraries are installed, you can use the Provider component from React-Redux and wrap your main application component with it to make the Redux store available to all child components. This is accomplished by passing the store instance as a prop to the Provider component.

After wrapping your main component in the Provider, you can use the connect function from the React-Redux library to connect your React components to the Redux store. This function allows you to map state and action dispatchers to the props of your component.

Overall, the integration of React and Redux allows for a more streamlined and structured approach to data management and reduces the burden of managing state across multiple components.

March 25, 2023

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