
Developer learning path


Working with Web Storage in JavaScript

Working with Web Storage



Web Storage is a feature in modern web browsers that allows web pages to store data locally within the user's browser. This data can be accessed and retrieved at any time by the web page itself or by other pages on the same domain. This means that web developers can store user preferences, session data, and other important information without having to rely on traditional server-side cookies.

There are two types of web storage available in modern web browsers: localStorage and sessionStorage. The main difference between them is that localStorage persists even after the browser is closed, while sessionStorage is reset when the browser is closed. Both of these storage types use a key-value pair system, similar to object literal notation, to store and retrieve data.

In a JavaScript course on working with Web Storage, you may learn how to:

  1. Set and retrieve data using localStorage and sessionStorage
  1. Implement fallbacks for browsers that don't support Web Storage
  1. Use Web Storage in conjunction with other web technologies, such as AJAX and cookies
  1. Manage and clear Web Storage data as needed
  1. Use Web Storage to improve website performance and user experience.

Overall, working with Web Storage can offer many benefits to web developers, including faster load times, improved user experience, and the ability to store data directly within the user's browser.

March 25, 2023

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