
Developer learning path


Debugging basics in JavaScript

Debugging basics



Debugging is an essential part of the programming process to identify and resolve errors in the code. In the context of JavaScript, debugging refers to the process of finding and fixing issues in the code written in JavaScript.

In this course on debugging basics in JavaScript, you will learn how to identify and fix common errors like syntax errors, run-time errors, and logical errors. The course will teach you how to use browser and console developer tools to debug JavaScript code.

You will learn how to set breakpoints in your code, view the call stack, inspect variable values, and step through your code line by line to identify the root cause of the issues.

Additionally, the course will cover best practices for writing debug-friendly code, such as using descriptive variable names and commenting your code.

By the end of this course, you will have a solid understanding of the debugging process in JavaScript and be able to confidently debug your own code.

March 25, 2023

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