
Developer learning path


How it works? in JavaScript

How it works?



JavaScript is a programming language that is predominantly used for web development. It is a high-level, interpreted language that is executed in the browser. JavaScript is primarily used for creating dynamic websites, interactive user interfaces, and web applications.

JavaScript works by adding dynamic behavior to HTML documents. By using JavaScript, developers can create a range of interactive features on a webpage such as pop-up dialog boxes, dynamic form validation, animations, and much more.

From a technical perspective, JavaScript code is executed by the browser's JavaScript engine. Popular JavaScript engines include Google's V8, Apple's Nitro, and Mozilla's SpiderMonkey. These engines analyze the code and translate it into machine language that the browser can execute.

JavaScript is often compared to Java; however, the two are fundamentally different languages. Java is a compiled language that is executed by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), whereas JavaScript is interpreted by the browser's JavaScript engine. Additionally, Java is used for server-side programming, while JavaScript is primarily used for client-side programming.

Overall, understanding how JavaScript works is essential for any web developer. By knowing how JavaScript is executed in the browser, developers can write more efficient and high-performing code that delivers a better user experience.

March 25, 2023

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