
Developer learning path


Variables in JavaScript




Variables are containers that hold values in JavaScript. When you declare a variable, you reserve a space in memory for that value. Variables can hold different types of values such as strings, numbers, booleans, null, and undefined.

To declare a variable in JavaScript, you use the keyword "var" followed by the variable name, an assignment operator "=", and the value you want to store in the variable.

For example:

var age = 25;
var name = "John";
var isOnline = true;

In the above code, we have declared three variables "age", "name", and "isOnline" and assigned them the values 25, "John", and true respectively.

You can change the value of a variable later in your code by simply assigning a new value to that variable.

For example:

var age = 25;
age = 30; // changing the value of age to 30

It is important to note that JavaScript is a loosely typed language, meaning that you can change the type of data that a variable holds during runtime.

For example:

var age = 25;
age = "twenty-five"; // changing the type of data that age holds from a number to a string

In addition to "var", JavaScript also provides other keywords such as "let" and "const" to declare variables, each with their own characteristics and use cases.

March 25, 2023

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