
Developer learning path


Sockets in Java




In Java, Sockets are used for network communication between two machines (client and server) over the internet. They are used to send and receive data between two machines using TCP/IP protocol.

Sockets are the end-points of a two-way communication between two machines, and the communication between them follows a specific protocol. The client machine initiates the communication by creating a socket and connecting it to the server socket. Once a connection is established, both machines can exchange information through the socket.

In order to establish a socket connection, the server must be listening for incoming requests on a specific port number. Clients can then connect to this specific port on the server and start sending and receiving data.

Java has built-in classes for creating and handling sockets. The most commonly used classes are Socket for the client-side and ServerSocket for the server-side. With these classes, a Java programmer can create network applications that communicate with each other in real-time.

Socket programming in Java is commonly used for building distributed systems, networked games, and web applications that require real-time data exchange.

March 25, 2023

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