
Developer learning path


JavaServer Pages (JSP)

JavaServer Pages (JSP)



JavaServer Pages (JSP) is a technology used for creating dynamic web pages that can interact with databases, APIs, and other web technologies. It is a server-side technology that allows Java code to be embedded within HTML pages.

JSP pages go through a compilation process when they are requested by a client. The compiled pages are then executed by the server and the results are sent back to the client as plain HTML. JSP allows you to use JavaBeans and custom tags to make your code more modular and reusable.

JSP provides a number of advantages over other technologies like PHP or ASP:

  1. Easy to learn and use: JSP is easy to learn and use compared to other server-side technologies.
  1. Platform independent: JSP pages are executed by a Java servlet engine, which makes them platform independent.
  1. Dynamic content: JSP provides the capability to create pages that can generate dynamic content.
  1. Easy integration with Java: JSP allows you to easily integrate Java with HTML pages.
  1. Reusability: JSP allows you to create reusable components using JavaBeans and custom tags.

In summary, JSP is a powerful technology for building dynamic web pages. It allows you to easily integrate Java with HTML pages and create reusable components. JSP pages are compiled and executed by a server, which makes them platform independent and easy to maintain.

March 25, 2023

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